해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Z-Edge 27 inch Curved Gaming Monitor 300Hz Monitor, 1ms 16:9 FHD 1080P Frameless Curved Monitor, UG27S Freesync Eye Care, 2×Display Port, 2×HDMI

상품번호 B0DFQ8V151
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상품가격 $179.99
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Electrifying 300Hz Refresh Rate: Experience ultra-smooth gaming with zero tearing or stuttering, thanks to the groundbreaking 300Hz refresh rate that delivers seamless visuals, enabling you to react faster and gain a competitive edge in fast-paced action games.Blazing 1ms Response Time: Say goodbye to motion blur and ghosting, as the lightning-fast 1ms response time ensures your actions are reflected on screen with razor-sharp precision, providing a truly responsive and immersive gaming experience.Immersive 27-inch Curved Display: The curved 1080p display wraps the action around your field of view, reducing eye strain during extended gaming sessions, while the 4000:1 contrast ratio brings depth and vibrancy to every scene.Powerful Connectivity: Equipped with dual DisplayPort ports supporting up to 300Hz refresh rate, dual HDMI ports (up to 240Hz), and VESA 100x100mm mounting compatibility, this monitor offers versatile connectivity options and seamless integration into your gaming setup.

2025-02-05 15:39:00

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