해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kids Toy Golf Club Set with Automatic Ball Returner, Led Light Up Night Golf Balls, Golf Putting Mat, 3-5 Toddler Mini Golf Games, Indoor Outdoor Sport Toys Gifts for Boys Girls Aged 3 4 5 6

상품번호 B0DFTP3QQ7
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Sports & Outdoor Play
브랜드 Brand: Clemas
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 25.49
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【Golf Together, Grow Together】Introduce a great childhood sport and pastime to your little one with CLEMAS kids toy golf set. With a variety of ways to play and challenges to set, it\'s a a great toy set for them to play with friends and siblings, while helping kids improve hand-eye coordination, motor skills, body balance, hand-eye coordination, and concentration ability.【Unique Automatic Ball Returner】The classic golf fun comes next level with CLEMAS exclusive patented auto ball returner. Once kids hit the golf ball into the pup\'s mouth, look out! The pup will toss the ball back to them for more interactive putting fun.【Glow In The Dark】Keep the fun going at night with the included 2 glow-in-the-dark golf balls and light up golf returner. Just hit the led golf ball and it flashing up on impact, kids will love the colorful arc it makes as it flies through the air, and it\'s easy to find where it lands.【3 Length Adjustable Toy Golf Clubs】 Let the mini golf players pratise and perfect that perfect SWING with CLEMAS toy golf set. The head of toy clubs simulating professional clubs to promote proper swing technique, offering a realistic golfing experience for kids. Each toddler golf clubs features length adjustable function, ensuring a custom fit for kids aged 3~8.【16PCS Rich Accessories】This Toy golf ball sets for kids includes everything kids need to start learning the game, including Auto golf ball returner*1, Golf Putting Mat*1, Length Adjustable Golf Clubs*3, Lighting Golf Balls*2, Green Golf Balls*2, Black Golf Balls*2, Golf Tees*2, Golf Targets*2, Sticker*1. With kids golf toy sets\' easy set-up, kids will be playing within minutes.

2024-11-28 16:23:45

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