해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Rechargeable Hearing Aids for Seniors' Hearing Loss (Not Hearing Amplifier) - Latest 16-Channel Digital OTC Hearing Aid with Intelligent Noise Cancellation, 5-Day Long-Lasting Battery Life, Made of Medical-Grade Materials, Comfortable & Anti-Slip for Secure Wearing, Beige

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상품가격 $149.99
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Excellent Sound Quality: This hearing aid is equipped with an updated self-developed 16-channel smart digital chip that meticulously analyzes and optimizes sound waves in real-time, which make you enjoy natural and clear sound quality without any background noise or whistling. Peak sound gains up to 38 dB to make even quiet whispers audible, perfect for mild to severe hearing loss.Lightweight and Comfortable Design: This hearing aid is expertly crafted with a miniaturized and featherweight build, rendering it virtually undetectable when worn behind the ear. Fashioned from premium medical-grade materials and following an ergonomic design, it snugly fits the ear canal and is engineered to resist slippage for extended comfortable wear.Ultra-long Battery Life: This rechargeable hearing aids for seniors can be fully charged in just 2 hours, offer 28 hours continuous use. The charging case\'s 4 cycles extend it to over 112 hours, equivalent to 5 days of reliable hearing without frequent charging. Ideal for outdoor activities, no need to worry about power shortage.Simple Operation: This hearing aid is designed with user-friendliness in mind. It features intuitive buttons for easy volume adjustment and mode switching. With no complicated procedures or technical knowledge required, even seniors with limited dexterity can quickly master its operation and enjoy personalized hearing experiences hassle-free.After-sales Service: Once you receive the hearing aids, for any questions or issues, please contact our customer service via email. Our after-sales team will reply to you promptly. We are committed to providing excellent after-sales support to ensure your satisfaction.

2025-01-07 21:01:37

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