해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
thermomate 30 Inch Gas Cooktop with 5 Italy Sabaf Power Burners, Built In Gas Stove Top of 304 Stainless Steel, Gas Hob NG/LPG Convertible, Gas Cooker with Thermocouple Protection CSA Certified

상품번호 B0DG2JJWJ4
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5 Powerful Italy SABAF Burners: The Sabaf Burners consume less gas, ensuring consistent flame, with 1x13,000-BTU wok burner, 1x10,300-BTU rapid burner, 2x7,000-BTU semi-rapid burner, 1×4,000-BTU auxiliary burner, each burner distribute even heat to meet a variety of cooking demand. Such as simmer, fry, stir-frying, roast, steaming, boil, melting, or caramelizing.thermocouple&CSA: This 30 inch NG/LPG gas stove-top has CSA certified gas pressure regulator, equipped with a thermocouple flameout protection technology (FFD) automatically turning off gas when no flame is detected. Prevent accidental touch by children with ignition controlled by a push-type rotary switch.1 Minute to Clean: 0.03-inch #304 stainless steel integrally molded panel and removable dishwasher-safe cast iron grates designed for effortless cleanup, resist stains and discoloration. Sealed burners keep the food residue away.5 Minutes to Install: Please verify the gas hob is the right size for you. Product size: 30” W × 20.08” D × 1.67” H, Cut out size: 25.58” W × 19.13” D. 120V AC pulse ignition with 3.9 feet (1.2 m) power cord for quick connection.NG/LPG Convertible: The gas cooktop is factory set for use with Natural Gas, and can be transferred to LPG use with the nozzles attached. NOTE: the gas pressure regulator included is for NG use only.

2025-01-06 21:29:34

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