해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Brass Stair Runner Rods - Set of 5/10/13, Non-Slip & Safety Stairway Carpet Bars Hardware for Home/Villa/Theater, Stair Step Fixed Decoration Holder Bracket(13pack,45cm17.7in)

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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Building Supplies
브랜드 Brand: LFPSVC
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $835.38
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Brass Carpet Stair Pole: Our rod is made of 1.2mm thickened brass, rust and fade resistant, the metal rod and bracket are strong at both ends, unlike other steel products, our carpet rod can also be easily cut with a hacksaw to change the length, adding a touch of sophistication to any staircase, while also providing reliable support for your carpet slideFlexible Installation: Easily install these stair poles for carpet slides using the included hardware. The rod is 50-100 cm/19.7-39.4 inches long and 16 mm/5/8 inches in diameter, For the best installation, make sure the stair carpet rod is at least 1.5 inches longer than the width of the slide, leaving 0.25 inches of space on each side for perfect resultsEasy to Remove: When you want to clean or replace your carpet, you can solve the problem of fixing and cleaning the carpet by simply unscrewing the screws at both ends. Cleaning carpets is now easier! Finishing touches to your stair renovation projectPackage Includes: Each package includes a rod and a pair of brackets, which are essential hardware for installing a stair slide. With this complete kit, you can easily install the stair poles of the carpet slide, ensuring a seamless and professional look. With this essential accessory, the style and function of your staircase will be enhancedWide applicability: Simple and generous color, modern style, suitable for various scenes, such as home, company, hotel, library, museum and other life or office scenes. Our elegant stair bars are the perfect decoration for the stairs in your home, and you can easily secure them to the stairs. When climbing stairs, you can avoid accidents and ensure the safety of you and your loved ones
--- Still looking for reliable support and protection for your carpeted stairs? --- Our elegant stair rods are the perfect finishing touch to your home\'s staircase. You can easily attach them to your stairs, enhancing the aesthetics of your staircase with ease. Designed for easy installation on stairs, these brackets are both stylish and practical! Q: Can I clean my carpet if it is dirty? A: When you want to clean or replace the carpet, unscrew the screws at both ends. Solve your problem of fixing and cleaning carpets! Specification? - Material: Solid Brass - Length: - 50cm/19.7in, 60cm/23.6in, 70cm/28in - 80cm/31.5in, 90cm/35.4in, 100cm/39.4in - Diameter: 16mm/ 5/8in - Includes all mounting accessories - Suitable for: Wood / porcelain plate all kinds of stairs - Scene: living room / exhibition center / exhibition / meeting room, etc Advantage? - Solid brass - Rust-resistant and not easy to fade - Easy to disassemble for easy cleaning - Supplied with mounting screws for ready installation - Suitable for any staircase - Carpet rods can be easily cut using a hacksaw to achieve the desired length - Add a sense of style to your home - Beautifully crafted and beautiful and durable for a lifetime - Avoid accidents and keep you and your family safe Package: - 1 x Stair Carpet Rod - Screws included Tips: - It is recommended that stair rods be at least 1.5 in. longer than the runner width allowing for 0.25 in. space on either side

2024-11-29 13:15:34

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