해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Apple Watch Series 10 [GPS 46mm case] Smartwatch with Jet Black Aluminium Case with Ink Sport Loop. Fitness Tracker, ECG App, Always-On Retina Display, Carbon Neutral

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상품가격 $359.00
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WHY APPLE WATCH SERIES 10 — Bigger display with up to 30 percent more screen area.* A thinner, lighter, and more comfortable design.* Advanced health and fitness features provide invaluable insights.* Safety features connect you to help when you need it.* Faster charging gives you 80 percent battery in about 30 minutes.*ADVANCED HEALTH INSIGHTS — Take an ECG anytime.* Get notifications if you have high or low heart rate or an irregular heart rhythm.* Understand your menstrual cycle and get retrospective ovulation estimates.* See overnight health metrics like heart rate, respiratory rate, and more with the Vitals app.* Track sleep and get notifications if Apple Watch detects signs of sleep apnea.*A POWERFUL FITNESS PARTNER — Measure all the ways you move with Activity Rings, which are customizable to match your lifestyle. Get advanced metrics for a range of workouts with the Workout app. Track the intensity of your workouts with training load. Use depth and water temperature sensors for your aquatic adventures. And Apple Watch comes with three months of Apple Fitness+ free.*STAY CONNECTED — Send a text, take a call, listen to music and podcasts, use Siri, and get notifications on the go. Apple Watch Series 10 (GPS) works with your iPhone or Wi-Fi to keep you connected.INNOVATIVE SAFETY FEATURES — Fall Detection and Crash Detection can connect you with emergency services in the event of a hard fall or a severe car crash. Emergency SOS lets you call for help with the press of a button.* Check In automatically notifies a loved one when you’ve arrived at your destination.*INCREDIBLE DURABILITY — Crack resistant and IP6X-certified dust resistant. With 50m water resistance.*CARBON NEUTRAL — Apple Watch Series 10 is carbon neutral when paired with select bands. Learn more about Apple’s commitment to the environment at apple.com/2030.SIMPLY COMPATIBLE — It works seamlessly with your Apple devices and services.* Unlock your Mac automatically. Get approximate distance and directions to your iPhone with Precision Finding on supported iPhone models.* Pay and send money with Apple Pay.EASILY CUSTOMIZABLE — With watch bands in a range of styles, materials, and colors and fully customizable watch faces, you can change your watch to fit your mood or the moment.* LEGAL DISCLAIMERS — This is a summary of the main product features. See below to learn more.

2024-11-27 19:04:24

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