해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2.4GHz Remote Control Santa Claus, Christmas Inflatable Santa Claus Toys,Forward & Backward, Rechargeable Inflatable Santa Decoration Christmas Walking Toys Gifts for Boys and Girls 6-7 8-12

상품번호 B0DGLJJN98
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【Remote Control Inflatables Toys】:The RC Santa Claus comes equipped with a 2.4GHz anti-interference remote control, offering a range of up to 126 feet. It can move forward, backward, and turn left or right, providing endless entertainment for kids as they control Santa’s every move. Perfect for both indoor and outdoor play!【Christmas Toys for Kids】: This 4 ft remote control Santa toy brings the magic of Christmas to life. It walks and dances, delighting children and creating joyful moments for the whole family. Its lively movements and cheerful appearance instantly spread festive cheer, making it a must-have for holiday fun and creating unforgettable memories.【High-Quality, Durable Materials】: Made from premium materials, this RC Santa Claus is designed for durability. The toy features large rubber wheels, making it easy to move smoothly across various surfaces, including roads, grass, and carpet. It’s built to withstand both indoor and outdoor play, ensuring long-lasting fun throughout the holiday season.【Self-Inflates in Seconds】: With a simple press of a button, Santa inflates in less than 10 seconds—no pumps required! Easy for kids to operate and watch as Santa comes to life. It takes just 2-3 hours to fully charge, and the toy runs for 20-25 minutes per charge, giving ample playtime for kids to enjoy holiday adventures. (Remember to plan your play sessions accordingly!)【Perfect Gift for Christmas】Our 4 foot santa inflatable christmas blow up is packed in a beautiful color gift box, whitch is a very surprise christmas gift for Children. It\'s sure to be a hit with your family, friends, and neighbors, and is bound to become a staple in your xmas inflatables for years to come. Now, it\'s time to create a cheerful and welcoming environment for your family and friends!

2025-01-10 11:36:09

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