해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Retractable Baby Gate, Mesh Baby Extra Wide Gate to Prevent from Crawling Underneath, 34" Tall, Extends up to 100" Wide, Mesh Dog Gate for Garage, Play Area, Deck, Indoor/Outdoor

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상품구분 Baby Products / Safety
브랜드 Brand: LIVACTI
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $59.99
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This retractable baby gates extends up to 100" wide and is 34" tall.【Specially Designed for Busy Moms】We have 2 locking mechanisms. One is a mesh locking mechanism that automatically locks after a countdown timer, and also controls the extension and retraction of the mesh. The other is a gate locking mechanism - simply unlock the gate right where you are, and the gate will open. And the gate will automatically lock when closed, for quick and easy access. Unlike other baby gates, you don\'t have to go through a multi-step process of unlocking the mesh, then opening the gate, and finally remembering to lock the mesh again. Our baby gate saves you that hassle.【EASY INSTALLATION】Our 100" retractable baby gate has an adjustable lower bracket that fits any baseboard without wall spacers, making it easier to install. You will get: Retractable mesh gate x1, Bracket x2, Latches x2, Wall anchors x13, Screws x13, Hooks x2, Instructions x1. Using the tools provided, you can have your new retractable gate installed in minutes. NOTE: DO NOT installation on the drywall. This retractable gate can be installed as hardware mounted(requires drilling holes)【SUPER SAFETY】The mesh material is much softer for your babies, so there’s less chance for them to hurt themselves while they are playing. Also unlike other gates, this new retractable gate has no balustrade at the bottom - so no trip hazard when you are moving through with your hands full. The Miumoon retractable dog gate conveniently rolls up when not in use, making it easy to convert the room into an adult-friendly space again.【Space Saving】This retractable dog gate is easy to use in high traffic areas. LIVACTI large dog gate retracts to save you space when not in use or when guests are visiting. Give your home more space and flexibility, and you don\'t have to worry about tripping over a bulky gate that\'s always in the way.【Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor Use】This retractable gate can be used in a variety of indoor and outdoor settings, such as open-concept kitchens, stairways, entryways, bedrooms, living rooms, around fireplaces, on patios, decks, in garages, and other restricted areas. Keeping your children and pets away from hazardous locations.

2025-01-08 03:23:32

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