해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
6 Colors Wonder Blading Lip Stain Peel Off Masque, Peel Off Lip Stain Lip Tint, Tear Off Lipstick Long Lasting, Waterproof Transfer Proof Red Lip Tint, Tattoo Color Lip Gloss Non-stick Cup Lip Makeup

상품번호 B0DGQ9CHP2
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Beauty & Personal Care / Makeup
브랜드 Brand: Xiahium
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $2.99
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?【Peel Off Lip Stain】-- Our lip gloss use a breakthrough formula with high intensity color pigments that naturally stain your lips. This new peel off lip stain, unlike any lip gloss we\'ve ever used before, is a very interesting tear-off style. After tens of seconds of application, the lip gloss will solidify into a layer of film, and it can be easily torn off, showing a very full lip color.?【Long-lasting】-- Made of cosmetic pigments extracted from plants, our peel off lip stain is cruelty-free, gentle and non-irritating to the lips. The lip gloss use a highly pigmented formula that naturally stain your lips for a long time. It is waterproof and kiss-proof. Just 5 minutes in the morning can give you an all day long beautiful lip.?【How To Use】-- 1. Moisturize and remove dead skin on lips before use. 2. Wipe clean the lip care products and thick coat peel off lip gloss , and wait for it to dry and form a film. 3. Spray lip activator or water on the lips once or twice. 4.Peel and reveal lip color.( And finally use the lip moisturizing liquid to make the lips more plump and moisturizing.)?【Ideal Gift】-- Peel off lip gloss create smooth, ultra-pigmented color on the lips that last all day long, without fading or feather into fine lines. It is good to be a perfect Birthday gift, New year gift for your friends and families.?【Product Assurance】-- We are committed to creating high-quality products and services for you. If you have any questions about the product, you can always contact us via email. Xiahium will provide you with services and assistance within 24 hours.

2024-10-01 00:25:17

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