해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Belt Tensioner Idler Pulley Assembly Fit for Lexus ES350 Rx350 for Toyota Avalon Rav4 Sienna Camry Highlander Venza 3.5L V6#Replace 89374 39140 1662031021 1662031040

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【Vehicle Fitment】Compatible with Toyota & Lexus 3.5L V6. For 2013-2016 Toyota Avalon, 2012-2016 Toyota Camry, 2008-2016 Toyota Highlander, 2007-2012 Toyota Rav4, 2011-2016 Toyota Sienna, 2009-2015 Toyota Venza; For 2013-2016 Lexus Es350, 2010-2015 Lexus Rx350【OE Part Number】38410, 89374, 49424, 1662031040, 1662031021, 1662031050, 1662031051, 1662031011; 36173, SK89169, 89169, 19194197, 166030P010, 166040P010, 166040P011; 7PK1550 K070610 90916A2019 25070610【Easy Installation】All products have been tested on the machine before leaving the factory. The tensioner pulley is manufactured according to the original factory specifications, old or damaged parts can be replaced directly.【No Noise】Automatically adjust the tension force according to the different tightness of the belt, ensuring smooth running of the transmission system. Fixed the incessant squeaking of the belt that replacing the belt just would not fix. New belt tensioner can work fine with no noise【Important Note】After receiving the package, please carefully check if the product is complete. If the received product is damaged during transportation, you can directly apply for a return or exchange

2025-01-08 18:55:35

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