해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Garbage Disposal, 50Hz 60Hz 3800r / min Stainless Steel Feed Food Waste Disposer for Kitchen Sink, Continuous Feed Food Waste Garbage Disposal with Vortex Booster System (US)

상품번호 B0DH2X6ST1
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Plumbing
브랜드 Brand: Fockety
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $252.38
상품가격 상세보기

【Faster, Cleaner】the food waste disposer can easily grind soft fruit scraps, fibrous celery, corn cobs, or small, hard bones into 1‑3mm particles with 4 grade anti stainless steel grinding components and 1200ml grinding chamber. kitchen food waste home grinder with 3800r/min speed, driven by dc permanent magnet motor, suitable for regular home cooking. convenient for your kitchen cleaning.【Vortex Booster System & Overload Protectin】the vortex booster system increases water pressure by five times, resulting in faster and more efficient discharge of abrasives. prevents odors from remaining abrasives in the pipes. and, automatically stops the disposer when the motor overheats due to specific reasons, activating the overload protectsystem to protect the circuit board from damage.【Compact Size】the continuous feed food waste disposer is designed with a narrow base that fits easily under the sink and takes up minimal storage space. it won\'t take up too much kitchen space. & functional choice when affordability is the prime concern, and features a compact, space-saving design that fits existing hardware for a quick and easy install.【How To Use】turn on the cold water faucet, switch on the cordless switch, pour kitchen waste into the sink, run the processor until only the sound of the motor and water flowing is heard, turn off the processor after grinding is finished, and then turn off the water source 15 seconds later.【 Satisfaction Guaranteed】We promises every customer a shopping satisfaction, reach us if you have any questions about your purchase. If the compact garbage disposal fails to make you satisfied let us know right away so we can send you a full purchase refund.

2024-10-31 17:40:16

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