해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mosa Whipped Cream Chargers, 600 Pack (50 pack x 12 boxes)

상품번호 B0DHC2C8DM
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: Mosa
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $455.76
상품가격 상세보기

mosa - A professional Taiwan manufacturer in Mini cream Chargers: established in 1988, we specializes in delivering high-quality, pure material mini high-pressure chargers, ensuring charging skill performance and innovation.Clean and Pure: Each charger contains 8 grams of food-grade, pure nitrous oxide. Encased in high-quality, durable steel cartridges, our chargers are cleaned using a proprietary process to ensure no odors or oils affect the taste of your whipped cream. Certified with HACCP, ISO 9001, and Halal, our products meet the rigorous standards of the industry.Easy to Use: Each charger measures diameter of 0.67 inches and a height of 2.56 inches. Simply put the charger into a whipped cream dispenser and press the lever for light, fluffy whipped cream.Versatile: Use for whipping cream, infusing beverages, cold brew coffee and more culinary applications.Customer Service: Our advanced production technology and stringent system keeps the high quality of each cartridge. If you encounter any issues with our product, please contact us, and we will respond within 24 hours. Please note: we DO NOT sell in the State of Wisconsin.

2024-10-02 14:32:24

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