해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Devil Led Eyes For Windshield, Animated Glowing Car Eyes Flex LED Display, 23inch Programmable Flexible LED Screen Signs For Car/Truck

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상품구분 Automotive / Lights, Bulbs & Indicators
브랜드 Brand: Ctopkatuo
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $48.99
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【???????????? ???????? ??? ???????】The programmable flexible LED display (app control) is extremely slim and lightweight. The soft screen light can be bent, folded, and shaped to fit various surfaces.【????? ??? ???????】Easily control the soft screen with a dedicated mobile app. Choose from various eye-catching patterns or create your own DIY designs and text animations to express your unique style.【?????? ??? ????? ????? ??????】The scrolling bright advertisement LED car badge uses RGB dream color beads to display a wider and richer range of colors.【??? ???? ??????】The USB plug design offers greater portability and versatility; simply connect the included 5V USB cable or power bank to enjoy.【???????? ???????????? ???????】Whether you have a compact car or a truck, the screen is designed to fit various vehicle sizes. For optimal visibility, place it on the front or rear windshield, or even install two for a more dynamic effect.
5V USB Car LED Display Screen with APP and Remote Turn heads with the Flexible Car LED Panel, a cutting-edge lighting accessory that will transform your vehicle into a rolling light show. Using a high-end flexible LED array coupled with programmable circuitry encased in a flexible sticky polymer, this panel allows you to stick it anywhere and peel it off easily anytime without any mess. Simply plug in the supplied 5V USB cord or a power bank and enjoy! Multi-function Remote: Use the remote to instantly switch between 17 pre-loaded automotive-themed animations or your own uploaded images! Quickly display anything you need with ease. Easy Application: The LED display features a durable, waterproof, and dust-resistant sticky polymer, maintaining flexibility for easy application on any window without glue. Peel it off mess-free anytime, with double-sided adhesive included for permanent use. Additionally, the package includes a multi-function remote and a 5M 5V USB cable for versatile placement in your car, business, or home. Unlimited Customization via APP with Phone: Unlock all features for ultimate customization by seamlessly connecting via Bluetooth using the app on your Apple or Android device. Access free-draw, upload your own designed images or GIFs, and browse a library of user-generated content. Specifications: Size: 595 x 120 mm / 23.42 x 4.72 inches; Resolution: 64px x 16px Package Includes: LED Panel, 5M 5V USB Cable, QR code to download the app, 3M adhesive for permanent applications, and car charger. Precautions: If you need larger coverage, you can order two panels. We have left and right eye images for the two devices. They work independently and need to connect with the app one by one.

2024-11-01 08:41:07

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