해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2025 TV Antenna,1200+ Miles Long Range TV Antenna, HD Digital TV Antenna Indoor with Signal Booster, Antenna for Smart TV and All Older TV's-Supports 4K 1080p -33ft Long Cables

상품번호 B0DHRK73KP
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Television & Video
브랜드 Brand: Oyned
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $42.49
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?Enjoy Free Local Channels: Do you have such troubles: 1. You have limited time to watch TV, but you have to pay a large limited TV bill; 2. You miss an exciting ball game because you can\'t find the station you want to watch, etc. Use Oyned\'s upgraded TV antenna to solve these problems! It allows you to search for ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, FOX, UNIVISION, CW, ION, UMAS, etc. for free. Let you keep up with the news, sitcoms, children\'s programs and sports programs. Before scanning, be sure to check which channels are available in your area!?1200+mile reception range :Oyned digital TV antenna indoor uses the latest digital signal processing chip and signal booster. Not only can it receive channels with a 360° range of 1200+ miles, it can also optimize signal transmission protection to prevent interference by other signals, and ensure that you can get more clear channels even if you are far away from the broadcast tower. Our digital TV antenna supports a variety of signal transmissions, including HD, 4K and 8K. You can access hundreds of channels without any pixelation, making your favorite TV scenes come to life.?Suitable for both outdoor/indoor use: This Digital TV Antenna uses high-quality materials and a new waterproof cover, making it suitable for use not only indoors but also outdoors. With the help of a 33-foot HDTV cable, installation is a breeze - whether on a wall, window, desktop or in an outdoor environment. This smart TV outdoor antenna is perfect for use at home, underground garage, office, outdoor picnic, RV, yacht and more. Enjoy a stable signal even in adverse weather conditions!?Indoor and outdoor antenna: The structure is simple and the installation is very convenient. You can freely choose to hang it under the eaves with screws or stick it on the window with double-sided tape, and a higher position will enhance your signal reception. After installing it in a place where radio waves can be easily received, connect the TV antenna to the "Digital Terrestrial Antenna Input" on the back of the HDTV and use the menu channel to easily search for program scanning.?Professional Team and After-Sales Guarantee: If you encounter any issues with channel reception, installation, or other concerns, please don\'t hesitate to reach out to us at any time. Our professional team is here to provide you with the best service and ensure your complete satisfaction!?BEST GIFT: This long-distance TV antenna is very suitable for people\'s living environment. Even old-fashioned TV sets, when used with a set-top box, can receive free TV signals! Whether you are buying for friends, family, colleagues or even new neighbors, Oyned TV antenna is the best choice!

2025-02-05 01:19:49

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