해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Misea Magnetic for iPhone 16 Pro Max Case with MagSafe [Never Yellowing] [Military Grade Drop Protection] Full Camera Lens Protector Plating Soft Clear Phone Case for Women Girls 6.9 inch, Desert

상품번호 B0DHX2519P
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상품가격 8.44
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【Compatibility & Packaging】 The Misea case is specifically designed for the iPhone 16 Pro Max (6.9 inches) and features electroplated edges, along with a hybrid construction made from TPU bumpers and a durable soft back. The package includes one magnetic iPhone 16 Pro Max Phone case.【Stronger Magnetic】 With a built-in super-strong magnet, the case provides a super-strong magnetic connection, ensuring automatic alignment and making Wireless/MagSafe charging faster and safer. It also works seamlessly with most MagSafe accessories.【Militarty Grade Drop Protection】The iPhone 16 Pro Max Case has integrated camera protection and is designed with a dual buffering structure to provide twice the shock resistance. It features an upgraded 4-angle invisible flexible buffer layer and an enhanced cushioned TPU buffer layer, both capable of dispersing 98% of the impact in the event of a drop.【Quality Material & No Yellowing】 Uses high-quality TPU materials, which are soft, smooth, durable, and easy to clean. It is not bulky and offers an excellent grip. The AF electroplating coating is anti-fingerprint, anti-scratch, and effective against stains and sweat. It is resistant to UV and sweat, preventing yellowing by 99.9%. The crystal clear back allows you to showcase the true style of your iPhone 16 Pro Max with amazing clarity.【Precisely Cutouts】 The ultra-thin, fitted iPhone 16 Pro Max case wraps seamlessly around your phone, providing easy access to all keys and functions without affecting the use of the flash. The upgraded metal dust filter effectively blocks most dust from the iPhone speakers, bringing you an excellent user experience.

2024-11-28 06:43:25

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