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TurboTax Deluxe 2024 Tax Software, Federal & State Tax Return [PC/MAC Download]

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Recommended if you own a home, have charitable donations, high medical expenses and need to file both Federal & State Tax ReturnsIncludes 5 Federal e-files and 1 State via download. State e-file sold separately. Get U.S.-based technical support (hours may vary).NEW. Live Tax Advice: Connect with a tax expert and get one-on-one advice and answers as you prepare your return (fee applies)Get your taxes done right and your maximum refundMaximizes 375+ deductions and creditsUp-to-date on the latest tax lawsImports prior year data from TurboTax and other tax softwareEasily imports W-2s, investment & mortgage information from participating companiesAudit Risk Meter checks your return for audit triggersDouble-checks your tax return so you can file with complete confidence
TurboTax® 2024 – File your taxes with 100% confidence TurboTax® is tailored to your unique situation. It searches over 375 deductions and credits and handles even the toughest tax situations, so you can be confident you’re getting every dollar you deserve. • Recommended if you own a home, have charitable donations, high medical expenses, and need to file both Federal & State Tax Returns • Includes 5 Federal e-files and 1 State via download. State e-file sold separately. Get U.S.-based technical support (hours may vary). • Your downloaded software resides on your computer, so you can view and manage your tax data (Intuit Account required) • TurboTax coaches you and double checks your return as you go • Up-to-date on the latest tax laws so you have the latest information • Get a head start by importing your info from last year\'s TurboTax return or other tax software • Track and value items you donate to charities with ItsDeductible • Avoid mistakes by importing W-2s, investment & mortgage information from participating companies • Audit Risk Meter checks your return for audit triggers and shows your risk level of a tax audit • Before you file, TurboTax runs thousands of checks to help identify missing deductions or credits

2024-11-26 20:18:19

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