해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Queen Bed Frame, Upholstered Platform Beds with 4 Drawers, 2 USB and Adjustable Headboard with Wooden Slats Support, No Box Spring Needed, Pink

상품번호 B0DJ1KC71G
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: LHSEAHAI
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $210.99
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【Heavy Duty Construction】: The queen bed frame features a sturdy solid wood and MDF platform made up of wooden slats, and the foot of the bed is equipped with quiet pads to ensure the bed is stable while bringing you a quiet and comfortable night!【Comfortable Headboard】: This full bed frame with drawers is made of premium polyester and high-density upholstered foam for soft comfort on lazy mornings and long nights.【4 Storage Drawers】: 4 hidden storage drawers underneath the bed frame with storage compartments solve the problem of storing out-of-season clothing and bedding, and the drawers on wheels can be easily pushed and pulled for easy cleaning.【2 USB Design】: There is a USB on each side of the headboard, which is very convenient. Whether you\'re lying on your left or right side, you can charge your phone, tablet or lamp.【Easy to Assemble and Size】: The queen size platform bed measures 85.4 “L x 61.8 ‘W x 43.3 ’H. All parts included in the package are clearly labeled and you can easily assemble this side table separately. Manual installation is recommended.
Queen Size Upholstered Platform Bed with 4 Drawers and 2 USB, Pink This platform bed not only anchors your sleeping space, but it provides you with ample storage for clothes, linens, and more. It has a frame constructed from pine wood and MDF board. Four built-in drawers, two on either side, let you keep your bedroom organized and clutter-free. 2 USB bring convenience to your electronic life. Specification Product Information Place of Origin: Malaysia Main Color: Pink Main Material: Upholstered Use Case: Bedroom Bed Size: Queen Bed Type: Bed Frame Box Spring Requirements: Box Spring Not Required Upholstery Material: Polyester Bed Frame Material: Wood Product Dimensions Assembled Length (in.): 85.40 Assembled Width (in.): 61.80 Assembled Height (in.): 43.30 Weight (lbs.): 146.00

2024-09-30 01:51:29

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