해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kids Go Kart, Ride On Drift Kart with Dual 200W Motors, 24V Battery Powered Electric Drift Car, Outdoor 2-Speed Ride On Racing Toy for Boys Girls 6+, 8.1 Mph Max Speed, Black

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상품구분 Toys & Games / Tricycles, Scooters & Wagons
브랜드 Brand: VerisShade
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $279.99
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Powerful Performance: Enjoy exhilarating rides with dual 200-watt motors that offer two speeds of 6.2 to 8.1 mph; this electric go kart is powered by a 24-volt 7 AH rechargeable battery, providing up to 40-50 minutes of exciting playtimeDual Pedal Control: This kids drift kart features dual pedals for effortless control; children can accelerate with the gas pedal and stop instantly with the brake pedal, making it ideal for developing enjoyable and safe driving skills360° Drifting Fun: Featuring 9-inch EVA front tires and 11.4-inch nylon drifting rear tires, this electric drift kart allows for impressive drifting, spinning, and cornering; every ride becomes an exhilarating adventure for young racersSafety First: Constructed with a robust plastic and iron frame, this ride on toy car features a low center of mass to minimize rollover risks; the 5-point seat belt provides additional security for your child during every rideFun and Functional: This battery powered ride on car includes LED lights and MP3 music, creating a multi-sensory outdoor ride on toy environment; designed for kids weighing up to 110 lbs for unforgettable adventures
Feature: The 24V electric go kart features a gear lever for drive, parking, and reverse, a steering wheel, and a multi-functional console, enhancing the realistic driving experience This kids go-kart has dual pedals for gas and brake, allowing safe acceleration and brake while driving the electric ride on toy The spacious seat with an adjustable seat belt provides comfort and security for growing kids This battery powered ride on car boasts wear-resistant, non-slip tires for superior grip in 360° drifting fun The electric drift kart is an ideal gift for kids 6+, supporting weights up to 110 lbs for outdoor adventure Specification: Material: Plastic + Metal Size: 49.2 x 29.5 x 21.6 inches Battery: 24V 7 AH Motor: 200W x 2 Recommended Age: 6+ Weight Capacity: Under 110 lbs Packing List: 1 x Ride-On Car 1 x Charger 1 x Instruction Manual Note: Read the user manual carefully before use, follow correct operating procedures and safety guidelines to avoid accidents. Ensure that the ride on car is suitable for the child\'s age and weight. Adhere to the specified age and weight limits. Allow the child to ride the car only in flat, open areas free of hazards, and avoid using it on roads with traffic or sloped surfaces. Always supervise and accompany the child while using the ride on car, especially for younger children. Maintenance: Store the electric toy car in a dry place to prolong its lifespan. If not in use for an extended period, it\'s advisable to charge the battery before storage to maintain battery performance and lifespan.

2025-01-12 01:43:37

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