해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Counter Height Bar Stools Swivel Modern Counter Stools with Backs and Arms, 26" Boucle Upholstered Barstools with Metal Legs, Kitchen Island Stools Bar Chairs Set of 4, White

상품번호 B0DK4XP6BS
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상품가격 $449.99
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【Unique Curved Backrest & Armrests】These swivel bar stools boast thoughtfully crafted armrests for excellent support, helping to relax and minimize fatigue during prolonged sitting. The gracefully curved backrest and arm design combines modern style with exceptional comfort. Each stool features a plush 4" thick seat cushion filled with high-resilience foam and upholstered in luxurious boucle fabric, offering a cozy and inviting seating experience【360° Swivel & Strong Load-bearing Capacity】The swivel counter height bar stools offer a 360-degree rotation feature, providing enhanced comfort and effortlessly swivel around during meals, facilitating enjoyable conversations with family and friends. The reinforced iron frame ensures a strong load-bearing capacity and structural stability, supporting weights of up to 300 pounds【Sturdy Metal Legs & Adjustable Floor Protectors】Supported by four sturdy metal legs, this 26 inch bar chair offers a comfortable footrest height and is suitable for the counter height of 36"-40". Each leg is equipped with four scratch-resistant and noise-reducing adjustable feet, which not only ensures you a level and stable seating experience but meanwhile safeguards your floors, combining aesthetics and functionality seamlessly【Modern Design and Versatile】These counter height swivel barstools are crafted to effortlessly fit into both residential and commercial environments. Perfect for a home bar, kitchen island, or countertop, these boucle counter stools provide great seating for dining rooms, living rooms, offices, pubs, cafés, and restaurants. They easily match various styles, from mid-century to contemporary, enhancing the atmosphere of any space., making them a stylish and functional addition to your décor【Perfect Size & Easy Assembly】Our boucle bar stools set of 4 features seat dimensions of 16"W x 16.1"D, with a thickness of 4" and a height of 26". Overall, each stool measures 20.5"W x 22.2"D x 39"H and supports a weight capacity of 300 lbs. Each stool can be assembled in just 5-8 minutes, making it a convenient and practical addition to your home or dining area furniture
Experience our modern bar stool, designed with a unique curved backrest and armrests for ultimate comfort! With elegant lines and a high-density foam , it’s wrapped in premium boucle fabric for a spacious seat. The practical armrests reduce fatigue during long sitting, while sturdy base pairs with a generous 4" thick cushion (including the base frame) for both visual appeal and comfort. Equipped with a 360° swivel function, it enhances dining conversations. Four robust metal legs with adjustable, scratch-resistant glides ensure stability and floor protection, supporting up to 300lbs. Versatile and easy to assemble in just 5-8 minutes, this stool blends seamlessly into any interior, perfect for restaurants, kitchens, bars, cafes, and more! Specification: Material : Iron Frame + Boucle Fabric Upholstery Color: Ochre, Green, Grey, Black, White Seat Height: 26" H Seat Dimensions: 16” x 16.1” Overall Dimensions:20.5"W x 22.2"D x 39" H Package Included: Counter Height Stools x 4 Sets Hardware Pack x 4 Sets

2025-02-05 00:58:47

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