해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Joywhale 24V 2-Seater Kids Ride on UTV XL 4X4 800W Off-Road Electric Car, with 4x200W Powerful Motor, 2WD/ 4WD Switchable, 4.3MPH Max Speed, Metal Frame& Suspension, 7AH Battery, Remote Control, Music

상품번호 B0DK57H3X1
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상품가격 $259.99
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【24V 800W Ultra Powerful Engine】 Joywhale releases a big new product- 24V 800W kids ride on UTV, this new-designed 4WD kids ride on utv is equipped with 800W total power (4X200W strong motors) and 7AH big battery, 800W super engine can provide stronger and more stable power in any conditions, support all-terrain driving and go over the slopes with ease.【2WD/ 4WD Switchable】 Joywhale ride on utv can switch 2WD/ 4WD dual driving modes. In 2WD energy-saving mode, you can get longer driving time. Conversely, 4WD can provide strongest power and 4.3 MPH Max speed. The speed range is 1.8-4.3 MPH, kids can switch between high/ low speeds when driving manually, and the remote control can adjust 3 speeds: high/ low and medium.【21” XL Wide 2-Seater】This large size 2 seater utv adopts 21” XL spacious 2 seat, which can accommodate two kids to play simultaneously and provide enough space for each little kid or one big kid. And it can support two driving modes: parental remote control & kids manual operation. Adults can use the 2.4G remote control if kids are too young.【Large Metal Car Frame & Suspension】 This car is equipped with sturdy metal car frame and large metal suspension, the large metal suspension can significantly reduce the bumps caused during driving. Other Functions: Wireless music player, power display, bright headlights, LED searchlights, real car engine sound and 2* seat belt.【SPECIFICATIONS】Overall size: 45.7*30.7*33.3 INCH (L x W x H). Seat size: 21 INCH. Maximum load: 110LBS (50KG). Motor: 24V/ 4X200W. Battery Capacity: 7AH. Speed Range: 1.8-4.3 MPH (3-7 KM/H). Recommended age: 3-8 years old. Playtime: Around 1~2.5 Hours(Fluctuates according to factors like load, speed, road surface & temperature).

2025-01-11 02:38:18

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