해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golf Games, Golf Yard Games with LED Light and Club, Portable Golf Practice Outdoor Games 6 Hole Set, Golf Bucket for Home Adults Kids Lawn, Beach, Yard, Camping

상품번호 B0DK8W89XT
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Sports & Outdoor Play
브랜드 Brand: LHPY
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $89.99
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【COMPLETE SET】:Our golf game set comes with clubs and includes everything you need for an exciting game: 6 LED lights, 2 removable clubs,6 bucket holes, 6 tees, 6 round toppers, 6 flags, 6 balls, 1 scoreboard, and 1 storage bag for easy transportation. Enjoy the game of golf anytime, day or night with this comprehensive set for outdoor patio play.【SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS】:Our Golf Bucket game turned to players of all levels is designed for all ages, providing you with a fun and challenging social game.【Comes with LED lights and clubs】:The detachable clubs are suitable for everyone and the ergonomic non-slip grip provides comfort and control with the feel of a real club. It also comes with 6 LED lights that can be placed in the hole. Playable even at night, perfect for parties and family games, this will be a blast no matter where you are.【EASY TO USE & SUPER PORTABLE】: Say goodbye to golf courses or the need for complicated assembly. Golf Hole offers quick and easy setup, allowing you to create a personalized course in just a few minutes. Package comes with a storage bag for you to carry to the beach, backyard, camping, parks and more. Perfect to take with you when you are outdoors or traveling【PERFECT GOLF GIFT】: The Golf Bucket Play Set is the perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving.

2025-01-09 11:14:21

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