해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
71" Tall Kitchen Pantry Storage Cabinet w/Power Outlet and Led Light, Large Kitchen Hutch Pantry Cabinet w/ 2 Drawer and 8 Doors,Modern Freestanding Buffet Cabinet for Kitchen,Dining Room

상품번호 B0DKF7GK5V
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상품가격 $199.99
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Modern Minimalist Pantry: Featuring sleek white finish and clean smooth lines, this pantry cabinet with hutch creates a touch of elegant and charming modern vibe, that blends seamlessly with any home style and show your unique taste.Pantry Cabinet with Charging Station: The kitchen cabinet with a charging station makes cooking efficient and convenient. our pantry cabinet come with 2 standard AC outlets and 2 USB ports, your daily household appliances such as a microwave and coffee machine can have quick power connection, and LED lights make your cabinet more unique,functional for your daily workflow.Kitchen Pantry with Large Storage: This 72" tall pantry storage cabinet comes with 2 large center drawer,4 large storage cabinets with adjustable storage, and 1 adjustable shelf which can meet different heights of storage needs.Spacious countertop is high enough to accommodate effortlessly microwave and coffee maker.Multi-scenario Applications: This versatile Food Pantry Cabinet is not only for kitchen use but also can be used as a buffet sideboard cabinet / mircrowave stand in dining room, or a console cabinet / coffee bar in living room, making it an ideal multi-scene furniture piece.Sturdy and Easy to Assembly: This tall pantry is made of P2 grade MDF with a wider and heavier base to ensure stability. Each top door is fitted with silent hinges to take on more items, feature a well-structured design that is steadfast and wobble-free, able to withstand the challenges of long-term use. With a clear step-by-step assemble vedio and instruction, and all accessories are labeled with numbers, you don\'t have to worry about assembly.

2024-11-01 05:27:37

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