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LAUNCH X431 PRO Elite OBD2 Scanner, 2025 All-in-One New Bidirectional Scan Tool with CANFD DOIP, ECU Coding,Full System,38+ Resets, FCA Autoauth,V.A.G Guide, 2 Years Free Update

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상품가격 $659.00
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LAUNCH X431 PRO ELITE comes with Full Bi-directional Control, 38+ Reset Services, Full ECU/Online Coding, All Systems Diagnostics, F.C.A AutoAuth, CANFD DOIP,V.A.G Guide,Refresh Hidden Functions,Auto Vin,20,0000+ Vehicle Coverage,25 languages,12-in-1 Data Stream,8 Extension Modules Supported(i-TPMS,Oscilloscope ...) X431 PRO ELITE combine all the hot functions of comprehensive scanners according to the customer\'s favorite need.FULL BI-DIRECTIONAL CONTROL: X431 PRO ELITE Factory-Level scanner is capable of full bi-directional controls (active test) over various vehicle sub-systems and components like radiator fan, cooling fan test, throttle, lights, abs motor pump, headlights, windows/doors/roof/wipers etc. The bi-directional obd2 scanner can quickly help you to check if a system or component goes well,Improving 200% Efficiency.8 ADD-ON MODULES SUPPORTED: Support Oscilloscope, ADAS, VideoScope, Sensor Box, Endoscope, i-tpms(TS GUN) ,Battery tester, Wifi Printer,etc.ADAS Kit to assist ADAS calibration;VSP-600 VideoScope to check unseen parts of the engine etc.;S2-2 SensorBox to simulate vehicle sensor faults;O2-1 ScopeBox Oscilloscope to quickly acquire circuit signals;Battery Tester to do battery test;Printer to print out diagnostic reports;i-tpms(TS GUN): Activate all sensors,TPMS relearn; - All are sold separately to meet your various needs.RELEARN/RESETS/CALIBRATION/INITIALIZATION: LAUNCH X431 PRO ELITE compatible with 150+ car makes 1996-2025 and offers 38+ HOT services including O-il Reset, EPB, SAS Calibration, BMS, Throttle, TPMS Reset, Gearbox Match, ABS Bleed.You will get 300+ resets under "vehicle brand" >"system">"special functions".This x431 diagnostic tool that is most worthwhile for DIYers, mechanics, and tire shops.FULL ADVANCED FUNCTIONS: LAUNCH X431 PRO ELITE diagnostic tablet can perform Online ECU coding for 95% cars, Component Matching, PMI, Adaptive Data Reset, V.A.G Guided,Power Balance,Online Calibration,Online Parameterization to diy vehicle settings and disable annoying features like seatbelt alarm, speed limiter,daytime lights and reveal hidden functions like rear-view mirror etc. The car scanner is better than other brands\' scanners: More feature.OE-LEVEL ALL SYSTEMS DIAGNOSTIC: X431 PRO ELITE Car Diagnostic Scanner can access, diagnose all available to troubleshoot entire car systems including engion, transmission, body, brake,chassis, powertrain, light system etc. to Retrieve/Clear Codes, Live Data Graphing, Freeze Frame, Actuation Tests, Vehicle-specific Special Functions,ECU Coding, Guided Function for V.A.G vehicles and more. You\'ll get a better idea of the condition of your car and have clear leads for repairs.HELPFUL FUNCTIONS: X431 PRO ELITE can s-upport Tech to Tech or the user\'s friends to perform assistance; With the "Automatic search" or "System selection" function, you can both auto or manually select the system to be checked. “Health Report” function enables users to quickly detect fault codes in all systems and clear all fault codes in every system of the vehicle with one click, making the diagnostic process smarter and more efficient. 12 in 1 Live Data Graphing makes more Intuitive. In addition, you can save and share the fault codes report by utilizing the "Report" function.2-YEAR UPDATE+ 5 YEARS BACK-UP: It is a perfect g-L-f-t for your father, husband, boyfriend or brother. We provide FAVORITE FAST RESPONSE OF 24 hours,90 days return

2025-02-05 18:38:39

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