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LAUNCH X431 CRP919E Elite OBD2 Scanner, 2025 Bidirectional Scan Tool as CRP919EBT, CANFD & DoIP, ECU Coding, 35+ Service, Active Tests, All System Diagnosis, FCA Autoauth, BST360 & TPMS, 2 Year Update

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상품가격 $465.00
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【WHY CRP919E STANDS OUT】 All-around upgraded of X*OOL D7/A*tel M*808S, functions as CRP919EBT at a lower cost. Superior OE Functions: 1) ECU Online Coding; 2) 35+ Services; 3)3000+ Active Tests; 4)All Systems Diagnosis; 5)✅New protocols CAN FD & DoIP✅FCA AutoAuth✅150+ Global brands(1996-2025), 6)Work with BST360 Battery Tester & i-TPMS TPMS Relearn Tool; 7)Level up Hardware: Android 10.0, 7\'\' touch screen, 3+32 GB, 6100mAh battery, 2.4&5GHz WiFi, 8MP Camera. 2-Year Update. Best bang for your bucks.【ADVANCED ECU CODING, CUSTOMIZE OE-SETTINGS】2025 LAUNCH X431 CRP919E automotive scanner newly released superior ECU Coding, supports Online Coding for VW/Audi/Skoda/Ford/Lincoin/Mazda, Component Matching, Reset Adaptive Data, Flash Hidden Function, Personalize OE-Setting. Such as mirror automatic folding, disable auto start-stop, retrofitting headlamp, modifying battery, etc. ✅New PMI function for Ford/Lincoln/Mazda, supports copy data into new module. *Coding functions vary by model & year.【FULL BI-DIRECTIONAL CONTROL, 3000+ ACTIVE TESTS】LAUNCH X431 CRP919E auto diagnostic scanner for all cars inherits the LAUNCH X431 Series\' powerful active tests, but more cost-effective. It boasts the ability to send commands to the ECUs of actuators for functional tests and work status checks, such as windows, rear mirrors, wipers, horn test, auto bleeding ABS, modulating the throttle, and etc. Quickly identify problem components without disassembly, turn your business to fast lane.【35+ SERVICES & RESETS, RELEARNS, CALIBRATIONS, ADAPTATIONS, INITIALIZATIONS】LAUNCH X431 CRP919E obd2 scanner performs 35+ hot services, making your repair a breeze, such as Oil Reset, EPB, SAS Calibration, ABS Bleeding, Injector Coding, Crank Relearn, Power Balance, Idle Relearn, Window Initialization, HVAC Calibration, etc. Get 100+ from "Diagnose>Brand>System>Special Function". Better, CRP919E keeps updating to support more newer modes from 2023 to 2025. Check compatibility firstly.【OE-LEVEL ALL SYSTEM SCAN】 +【 8-IN-1 DATA STREAM】 LAUNCH X431 CRP919E dealer-level scanner, like Snap-on tools, effectively works all cars for all system diagnostics. It reads/clears codes, provides ECU info. , displays 8-in-1 Live Data, performs active tests & special functions for all available modules. One-touch Auto VIN & Scan offers you an ever-smooth experience. With a few clicks, it can pinpoint the system faults in minutes with a detailed report. Your car expert is at your fingertips.【NEW CAN FD/DOIP, 150+ BRANDS, MORE & NEWER MODELS】LAUNCH X431 CRP919E has complete database covering 99% of vehicles from 150+ global brands, supports 11 languages, AutoAuth for 2017+ FCA cars(for Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge/Fiat etc.), and can be used worldwide. New CAN FD & DOIP cover more newer car and boost 2X faster data transfer, without the special adapter(saving 200+ bucks). The constant & weekly upgrades adds growing cars (even for 2023-2025 models), stays up-to-date with modern vehicles.【NO WORRY PURCHASE】We prioritize user experience and strive to meet your expectations. Any questions, reach out ? obdbox21 @ 163 . com for assistance. We are available 24/7/365 to support you and offer: 2-year updates, 5-year quality backup, lifetime technical support, and extended 60-day replace & return. Better, it can be used normally without update after 2 years, which is the BIGGEST different from using Bos-ch or Snap-on scanner. ?LAUNCH CR3001 OBD2 scanner+LAUNCH OBDII Extension Cable.

2025-02-05 18:32:46

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