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LAUNCH Creader Elite V2.0 for BMW OBD2 Scanner, 2025 Full Systems Bi-Directional Scan Tool, All Reset Services, ECU Coding, Battery Registration Tool for BMW Mini RR, Lifetime Free Update, Auto VIN

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상품가격 $189.00
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【ALL IN ONE SOLUTION For BMW/MINI/ROLLS-ROYCE】 Upgraded of LAUNCH Creader Elite, 2025 LAUNCH Creader Elite V2.0 for BMW is a top-notch diagnostic tool designed for BMW/Mini/Rolls-Royce, powered by advanced Android 8.1 OS & 4\'\' Touchscreen for a fast and smooth diagnostic experience. Also be feature-rich: Advanced ECU Coding, Full Bi-Directional Control, All Services, In-Depth Full System Diagnosis, 10 Full Obd2 Function, Auto Vin, Lifetime Update. A Must Have for BMW/MINI/Rolls Royce Owner.【ALL FREE MAINTENANCE SERVICE】 LAUNCH Creader Elite V2.0 diagnostic scan tool offers ALL FREE Services for BMW/Mini/Rolls-Royces, helps you handle 99% of daily maintenance effortlessly, saving thousands bucks per year from dealership, such as Oil reset, ABS bleeding, EPB service, Idle relearn, A/C troubleshoot, Battery registration, Transmission relearn and etc. ?Get All Services from "Diagnose>Brand>System Selection>Special Function". Check compatibility via ? obdbox21 @ 163 . com firstly.【EXCLUSIVE BATTERY REGISTRATION FEATURE】 LAUNCH Creader Elite V2.0 for BMW obd2 scanner is a battery registration tool dedicated to BMW cars, not only for same type & capacity, but also for different type & capacity (Exclusive). Function path: ✅For the same type&capacity battery registration, "Diagnostic > Automatically/Manually Search >Special Function"; ✅For the different type & capacity battery modification, "Diagnostic > Automatically/Manually Search > Coding". Check compatibility firstly.【ADVANCED ECU CODING, CUSTOMIZE OE-SETTING】 LAUNCH Creader Elite V2.0 for BMW has fully upgraded with superior ECU Coding. It supports to Reset Adaptive Data, Match Replaced Components to solve major car issues; Flash Hidden Functions, Personalize OE-Settings to enhance driving experience, such as mirror auto folding, seat belt warning off, retrofitting headlamp, modifying battery, etc. Check compatibility firstly. ➤NT710\'s coding ONLY for BMW E/F/G chassis; our\'s for E/F/G/I/U/X... and etc.【ENHANCED BI-DIRECTIONAL CONTROL/ACTIVE TEST】 LAUNCH Creader Elite V2.0 for BMW obd2 scanner, inherits the enhanced bi-directional control of LAUNCH X431 series, more cost-effective. It allows you to control the system or component for active test on BMW/Mini/Rolls-Royce cars, helping check if the car actuators are all in good condition, such as windows, rear mirrors, wipers, horn test. You can also use it to recalibrate, readapt or reconfigure for some components after repairs or replacement.【IN-DEPTH ALL SYSTEMS SCAN】+【4-IN-1 DATA STREAM】 As the Top-Dog in the market, LAUNCH is famous for its powerful diagnostic functions. LAUNCH Creader Elite V2.0 for BMW/Mini/Rolls-Royce full diagnostic tool provides you with All-Around & In-Depth scan for all available modules. One-touch Auto VIN & Scan offers you an ever-smooth experience. You can read/clear codes, view 4-in-1 data stream, read ECU info., freeze-frame and etc, making you easily know car situation and pinpoint the fault.【SMART DIAGNOSTIC TOOL FOR MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY】✅1)4-IN-1 Data Stream Graphing, Data Record and Playback to check all systems real-time working status; ✅2)DTC Library and Google Code Search, quickly link code definitions and helpful repair tips; ✅3)Diagnostic Report Share & Print for further analysis, Online Feedback to send issue to us for troubleshooting; ✅4)11-Languages, No language barrier; 5)Full OBD2 Functions for All OBD2 cars, Battery Voltage Display... The car expert at your fingertips.【LIFETIME FREE UPDATE】+【GO MALL TO GET MORE】One-click WiFi update. This obd2 scanner provides lifetime free update for BMW/Mini/Rolls Royce. Want to access other more brands? ?Go to Mall to Get More. ❤️The software in the Mall is valid for 1-year and need to be re-purchased to be used after expiry. We offers 24/7/365 Tech. assistance, Extended 60-Day Return & Replacement, 5-Year Quality Backup. Any questions, reach us via ? obdbox21 @ 163 . com. (Don\'t ask for help from LAUNCH tech. USA).

2025-02-05 17:48:46

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