해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
XJD 24V 7Ah Battery Electric Go Kart with Adjustable Seat, Powered Pedal Go Karts for 3+ Kids Youths on Car Electric Vehicle Car for Boys Girls (White, 24V)

상품번호 B0DKND33L5
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Tricycles, Scooters & Wagons
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상품가격 $289.99
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24V Strongest Engine 7AH Big Battery:Kids electric go kart is equipped with 24V powerful motors and 7AH Big Battery.its maximum speed can reach 7.5MPH.Multi-functional Buttons:This electric go-kart has a visual screen and multiple functionbuttons.You can play music or connect your device via Bluetooth mode,wireless ID:JR-1956M.kids can play their favorite audio files to spice up the drive.the 24V7Ah high-capacity battery can provide you with 1-2 hours of driving life on a full chargeTwo Modes: This kids go-kart comes with a remote control to choose between remote control mode and manual driving mode at speeds up to 7.5mph. We recommend that children wear safety equipment such as knee pads and helmets while driving (no safety equipment is included in the package)Safety Features: Equipped with 4 wear-resistant wheels made of PP+PA material and a powerful shock absorption system, our outdoor race pedal kart is suitable for driving on most terrains. The body length is adjustable by 10CM. We also equip this pedal racing kart with adjustable reinforced seat belt and wrap-around seatGreat Gift for Kids: The racing pedal kart has head and tail lights with dynamic music With a full charge to support long hours of play, your kids can have plenty of fun. It\'s a great gift for kids on their birthdays and Christmas gifts

2025-01-12 01:56:45

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고객센터 : 031-698-2301
상담가능시간 : 월요일 ~ 금요일 10:00 ~ 17:00
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