해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Empava Gas Range, Convection Oven 4.2 Cu. Ft with 4 Deep Recessed Burners Cooktop, Heavy Duty Continuous Grates in Stainless Steel for Kitchen, Restaurant. Freestanding & Slide-in,30 Inch

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상품가격 $988.00
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Perfect Fit & Friendly Service: Empava’s ranges can be installed freestanding or slide-in. without the need for professional installation. Empava provides a 2-year warranty and exceptional customer supportEfficient Gas Stove: Empava\'s gas range provides the versatility you need to prepare all your favorite dishes. It features 4 high-performance burners, including two powerful 15000-BTU burners and two efficient 9000-BTU burners. These burners distribute even heat, making them perfect for a variety of cooking techniques such as simmering, boiling, stir-frying, steaming, melting, or caramelizingConvertible for NG/LPG: Convertible for NG/LPG with both nozzles included, it delivers consistent BTU power for propane and natural gas cooktops. Operates manually without electricity. The 4 World Class Made in Italy SABAF burners feature the latest flame failure thermocouple auto shut off protection technology to prevent gas leaks, ensuring the safety of your home and familyMultifunctional Oven: Temperature can be set up to 140°F to 500°F maximum. it will help you to cook perfectly and accurately. Extra-large 4.2 cu. ft. ample cooking capacity has a brilliant interior. 2 removable Oven racks for easy cleaning and 5 adjustable rack position to accommodate a various size of food items. Turn your oven to a Thanksgiving turkey roasterConvection Oven: The powerful convection cooking system circulates heated air over, under and around delivers the ideal temperature and airflow for fast preheating and uniform cooking helps remove cold spots to help ensure even baking because the entire oven, including the walls and racks, are heated to the correct temperatureConvenient Features: The gas stove with oven come with large oven window and 2 halogen oven lights allows you to see your food while cooking without opening the door. The ergonomic knobs and triple layer tempered glass that add to the eye-catching aesthetic of the complete exterior designProduct Dimensions: 30 in. L x 27.3 in. W x 37.6 in. H, Cutout Dimensions: 30 in. L x 27.3 in. W., Oven Interior Dimensions: 18.9"W x 15.3"D x 24.8"H.15 amps breaker required, Pre-installed 120v power cord, Preset Natural Gas, included the Regulator Gas Pipe Adapter with washer and LP/Natural Gas Nozzles

2025-01-06 21:32:01

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