해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Rechargeable Hearing Aids for Seniors Adults, Advanced Multi Channel Digital BTE (Behind-The-Ear) Hearing Device with Recycle Charging Case, Auto-On/Off, Pair, Version 3 (Lucid508-silver)

상품번호 B0DKNXF2S1
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상품가격 $249.00
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Excellent Sound Quality - Enjoy natural and clear sound quality with no background noise or whistling. Peak sound gains up to 41dB. Perfect for mild to significant hearing loss. This Lucid508 is the most popular onlin Behind-the-ear hearing aids since 2020, and the latest verion of silver color. The sound quality has been greatly improved.Easy & Professional Operation - Auto-On/Off feature when taken out or put into the charging case. Quiet mode for normal environments, noisy mode for noisy environments with background reduction to focus on human voice, and tinnitus masking mode to relieve tinnitus.Fast & Convenient Charging - Fully charged in just 2 hours, with up to 30 hours of use. The charging case can charge both units 4 times, providing 125 hours of backup power.Discreet & Comfortable Design - Smaller size and lightweight design make it nearly invisible behind the ear, with medical-grade materials for maximum comfort.Unlimited Customer Service & Warranty - We stand behind our products. Any questions, you can contact us by phone, email or text. Our customer care specialists work around the clock 24x7 and are ready to help. Please note that there is no need to purchase any other warranty for your hearing aids from any third party. Vivtone Group is the only one who can provide after-sale warranty for Vivtone products, and we will try to solve your problems without extra fees.

2025-01-07 21:03:22

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