해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Apple 2022 MacBook Air Laptop with M2 chip: Built for Apple Intelligence, 13.6-inch Liquid Retina Display, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD Storage, Backlit Keyboard, 1080p FaceTime HD Camera; Space Gray

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상품가격 $914.00
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STRIKINGLY THIN DESIGN — The redesigned MacBook Air is more portable than ever and weighs just 2.7 pounds. It’s the incredibly capable laptop that lets you work, play or create just about anything — anywhere.SUPERCHARGED BY M2 — Get more done faster with a next-generation 8-core CPU, up to 10-core GPU and up to 24GB of unified memory.BUILT FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE—Apple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system that helps you write, express yourself, and get things done effortlessly. With groundbreaking privacy protections, it gives you peace of mind that no one else can access your data—not even Apple.*UP TO 18 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE — Go all day and into the night, thanks to the power-efficient performance of the Apple M2 chip.BIG, BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY — The 13.6-inch Liquid Retina display features over 500 nits of brightness, P3 wide color and support for 1 billion colors for vibrant images and incredible detail.ADVANCED CAMERA AND AUDIO — Look sharp and sound great with a 1080p FaceTime HD camera, three-mic array and four-speaker sound system with Spatial Audio.VERSATILE CONNECTIVITY — MacBook Air features a MagSafe charging port, two Thunderbolt ports and a headphone jack.EASY TO USE — Your Mac feels familiar from the moment you turn it on, and works seamlessly with all your Apple devices.BUILT TO LAST — The all-aluminum unibody enclosure is exceptionally durable. And free software updates keep things running smooth and secure for years to come.SIMPLY COMPATIBLE — All your go-to apps run lightning-fast — including Microsoft 365, Zoom, and many of your favorite iPhone and iPad apps.

2025-02-05 12:04:03

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