해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Electromagnetic Car Snow Removal Device, 2025 New Antifreeze Snow Removal Instrument, Anti-Freeze Electromagnetic Molecular Interference, Vehicle Microwave Molecular Deicing Instrument (2)

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상품구분 Automotive / Interior Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Pkjwere
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상품가격 $9.99
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【Anti-freeze Electromagnetic Car Snow Removal Device】Our Antifreeze Snow Removal Device utilizes advanced electromagnetic molecular interference to create intense movement in air molecules. This generates significant energy, effectively preventing ice buildup inside and outside your vehicle. Say goodbye to scraping ice on winter mornings!【Same Frequency Vibration】Designed to operate at frequencies that mimic the natural vibration and rotation of water molecules, this device alters the physical properties of water, making it vibrate actively—even at freezing temperatures. Experience effortless snow removal like never before!【The Ideal Gift】Looking for a thoughtful gift? Our versatile car diffuser is perfect for cars, homes, offices, and bedrooms. Treat your friends and family to a practical and stylish gift they’ll love and appreciate.【Stylish and Compatible Design】This portable diffuser not only enhances your car\'s interior with a touch of elegance but also seamlessly matches various vehicle models. Upgrade your driving experience with this fashionable accessory.【Dual-Purpose Car Diffuser】Not only does our device melt away snow and ice, but it also functions as a car diffuser, infusing your vehicle with delightful scents. Enjoy a fresh-smelling car while effortlessly tackling winter challenges. It’s the perfect winter companion!
Features: Will Not Interfere With Or Affect In-Car Electronic Devices. 360° All-Round Deicing. No Side Effects On The Human Body. Stylish Appearance And Easy-To-Install. Solar Powered. Specification: Fragrance: ocean flavor or cologne flavor Material: aluminium Alloy Color: black Applicable Scenes: cars, interiors, etc. Package Includes: 1/2/3 PCS Electromagnetic Molecular Interference Antifreeze for Snow Removal

2025-01-10 09:19:39

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