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Personalized Baby Blanket with Name Custom Baby Blanket Baby Blanket with Name Newborn Gifts

상품번호 B0DM61XSLB
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Baby Products / Nursery
브랜드 Brand: Diyrap
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $6.99
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【Baby Blanket with Name】Click "Customize Now" Select your size first. Enter your Name to finish your personalized blanket for baby.【Personalized Baby Blankets with Names】These personalized baby blankets with names are made of 100% high-quality flannel, durable and skin-friendly. Our customized baby name blankets are warm and super soft. These blankets are printed by advanced machines and are not easy to fade.【Newborn Gifts】Personalized baby blanket with name, let this practical blanket accompany the growth of the baby. Thisbaby custom name gift shows how much you care, and a custom blanket with name is a special gift for someone special. Believe this kids blankets is a happy gift for newborns, babies, toddlers, and parents-to-be.【Best Gifts and Unique Decorations】Finding the perfect gift can be stressful. When you put a name on a blanket, that person is sure to have a blanket filled with warmth and love. This blanket is not only a beautiful bedding, but it is also colorful and can be used as a beautiful decoration to throw on the couch, bed or hang on the wall.【Baby Blankets Neutral】Whether it\'s a baby boy or a baby girl, we have blankets in different colors for you. We offer 4 different sizes of name blankets. The smallest crib blanket measures 30" x 40", which is perfect for babies and pets. The 40" x 50" blanket is perfect for little ones who want to show their unique personality with a little personalized fun.
Personalized Baby Blanket With Name- Personalized Gift For Boys and Girls. Multiple Size Options: 30"X40" 40"X50"-Baby Blanket 50"X60"-Kid Blanket 60"X80" - Bed Blanket Soft And Warm Material Safe,Skin-Friendly Personalized baby blankets high-quality 100%Fleece Polyester.A plush material that makes it fluffier and soft to the touch,safe for the baby\'s deticate skin. Multi Purpose & Occasions Baby customized blankets are perfect for a variety of baby life needs. A customized baby blanket for boys and girls makes a wonderful gift to celebrate a newborn, baby shower,or birthday christmas gifts.

2025-01-07 08:34:15

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