해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Apple 2024 MacBook Air 15-inch Laptop with M3 chip: Built for Apple Intelligence, 15.3-inch Liquid Retina Display, 16GB Unified Memory, 256GB SSD Storage; Midnight with AppleCare+ (3 Years)

상품번호 B0DM71ZRQ3
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상품가격 $1,223.00
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LEAN. MEAN. M3 MACHINE — With a powerful 8-core CPU and up to 10-core GPU, the blazing-fast MacBook Air with M3 chip is a superportable laptop that sails through work and play.BUILT FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE—Apple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system that helps you write, express yourself, and get things done effortlessly. With groundbreaking privacy protections, it gives you peace of mind that no one else can access your data—not even Apple.*PORTABLE DESIGN — Lightweight and under half an inch thin, so you can take MacBook Air anywhere you go.UP TO 18 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE — Amazing, all-day battery life so you can leave the power adapter at home.WHY APPLECARE+ - Get protection, service and support direct from Apple. AppleCare+ covers unlimited repairs for accidental damage, like a cracked display, and includes coverage for the hardware and battery. Get convenient service at Apple Stores and Apple Authorized Service Providers around the world or schedule a pickup at your home or office with Onsite Service. Help is easy with 24/7 priority tech support from Apple experts.PEACE OF MIND - Each incident is subject to a service fee of $99 for screen damage or external enclosure damage, or $299 for other accidental damage.AUTOMATIC ACTIVATION - AppleCare+ is a digital purchase that is automatically activated when your device is delivered by Amazon so it’s already protected when it arrives at your door. There is no physical shipment for AppleCare+.PROOF OF COVERAGE EMAIL - You will receive an email from Amazon Marketplace with the AppleCare Proof of Coverage at time of device shipment. This email will contain your AppleCare+ agreement number, attached device serial number, coverage end date and link to the AppleCare+ terms and conditions. For gifts, please forward this email to the owner of the device.

2024-11-29 17:39:50

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