해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Compound Bow Slingshot Steel Ball - Dual-use Compound Bow for Arrows and Steel Ball, 30-70lbs 25-30" Adjustable Hunting Bows for Archery Outdoor Hunting Target Shooting

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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Hunting & Fishing
브랜드 Brand: POEARCUS
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $239.99
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【Technical Specs】: - Draw Weight: Adjustable from 30 to 70 lbs - Draw Length: Continuously adjustable from 25” to 30” - Brace Height: 6.5” - Let-off: 80% - Axle-to-Axle: 19" - IBO Rate: Up to 330-340 fps - Steel Ball Speed: 420 FPS (with 12mm steel ball) - Bow Weight: 3.69 lbs / 1676 g.【High-Quality Components】: Crafted with a aluminum main body, this bow features USA-made Gordon limbs, ensuring durability and performance. The 7075 aviation aluminum alloy pulleys with CNC integrated cams add to its robust design, offering both aesthetics and strength.【Dual-Purpose Compound Bow】: It\'s the kind of dual-use compound bow, can be used to shoot steel balls and arrows for outdoor hunting, target shooting and bow fishing. Its small size, short-axis design, even can be used in a car, perfect for car hunting in outdoor.【Versatile Compound Bow】: This dual-purpose bow is perfect for outdoor activities, whether you\'re hunting, target shooting, or bow fishing. Its compact, short-axle design makes it ideal for car hunting, fitting easily into your vehicle for on-the-go adventures.【Right-Handed or Left-Handed】: Designed for both right-handed and left-handed shooters, we recommend using a 12mm steel ball. This versatile bow is compatible with all standard compound bow accessories on the market.【Important Note】: Please read the manual thoroughly before use. Avoid dry firing, as it can damage the bow and pose a risk to yourself and others. Enjoy a limited lifetime warranty on main parts when registered within 30 days of purchase.

2025-01-10 22:48:29

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