해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wireless Kindle Page Turner Remote, Bluetooth Page Turner for Kindle Paperwhite, Silent Reading Aid for iPad and Tablets, Camera Video Record&Shutter Selfie,One Remote & One Page Clip,Black

상품번호 B0DMF27C2G
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Camera & Photo
브랜드 Brand: TeoTeeo
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $15.99
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Seamless Kindle Page Turner Experience:Escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life with our hands-free Kindle page turner remote. Whether you\'re reading on your Kindle Paperwhite or iPad, the compact 6mm clip fits perfectly, allowing you to immerse yourself in a world of words without interruptions or adjusting marginsWhisper-Quiet Kindle Remote Page Turner:Let your mind wander through stories without distraction. Our kindle clicker page turner operates silently, ideal for late-night reading or peaceful mornings. Turn pages with just a click, without disturbing anyone, thanks to our whisper-quiet silicone buttonsDiscreet Indicator Lights for Focused Reading:Stay in your literary bubble without being interrupted. This kindle paperwhite page turner features discreet indicator lights that let you read late into the night, with your focus firmly on the story, not the deviceHands-Free Comfort for Kindle & iPad:Get cozy in bed or relax in your favorite reading nook with hands-free page-turning freedom. Perfect for reading while walking on a treadmill or during a workout. Whether you\'re recovering from an injury or just want more comfort, this page turner for Kindle and iPad gives you the freedom to enjoy your book effortlesslyStay Warm, Keep Reading:On cold winter days, keep your hands comfortably warm under the blanket. Our Kindle page turner lets you turn pages without ever having to expose your hands to the cold air. Enjoy cozy reading sessions without interruptionLong-Lasting Battery for Endless Reading:Enjoy uninterrupted reading for up to 20 days with the clip or up to 3 months with the remote. With our bluetooth kindle page turner, you\'ll never worry about losing yourself in a story only to have the battery die. Charge quickly and keep reading without interruptionsPerfect Gift for Avid Readers:Looking for the ideal gift for your book-loving family or friends? This Kindle page turner makes a great gift for Christmas, birthdays, or anniversaries. Perfect for spouses, daughters, girlfriends, husbands, or grandsons who love to read without hassle

2025-01-12 02:59:17

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