해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2-Seater Ride On Truck Car, 12V Electric Car for Kids Battery Powered Car w/Parent Remote Control, Safety Belt, Mp3 Player, Led Lights, Jeeps Car for Kids Girls, Red

상품번호 B0DN59WM8G
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Toys & Games / Tricycles, Scooters & Wagons
브랜드 Brand: Hipicute
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $189.99
상품가격 상세보기

Dual Control Modes: This electric ATV for kids comes equipped with a 2.4GHz remote control that allows parents to assist their little ones with forward, backward, and speed adjustment functions. Kids can also take the wheel themselves, enjoying the thrill of driving with the pedal and steering wheel, promoting independent play.Safety First Features: Designed with your child\'s safety in mind, this ride-on car includes a three-point safety harness, double lock doors, slow start technology, and an emergency stop button. Parents can feel secure knowing their child is protected while enjoying their ride.Realistic Driving Experience: Tailored for small hands, this electric vehicle features appropriately sized controls and is powered by a robust 12V battery, providing up to 2 hours of continuous play on a full charge. It also includes adjustable safety belts, LED lights, lockable doors, and a mesh windshield for an authentic driving sensation.Engaging Entertainment Options: This electric truck features an MP3 player and USB port, allowing children to connect their devices and enjoy music or stories during their drive. This not only enhances the fun but also promotes early learning through auditory engagement.All-Terrain Durability: Equipped with wear-resistant wheels and an advanced suspension system, this children\'s ATV is designed to conquer nearly any terrain, from beaches to rubber tracks to concrete surfaces. With its large diameter wheels, your little one will experience great stability and the freedom to play both indoors and outdoors.

2025-01-11 02:52:54

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