해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Thermaltake Tower 250 Snow Mini-ITX Mini Tower; 2x120mm CT Fans Included; 360mm Radiator Support; 360mm GPU Clearance; Dual Chamber; CA-1Z9-00S6WN-00

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상품가격 $129.99
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【Maximize Workspace】 Space-efficient compact vertical design saves valuable desk space.【Small Size, Big Performance】 Support GPUs up to 360mm in length with PSU cover removed / CPU cooler hieght up to 210mm / Radiators up to 360mm【SFX Ready】 Increase airflow from the bottom chamber with SFX power supply installed to bring more fresh air in. While supporting both SFX and ATX form factor PSU, a SFX bracket is preinstalled.【Keep it Cool】 With 2x 120mm pre-installed exhaust fan on the top, the Tower 250 can accommodate up to 8x 120mm fans.【Unique Layout】 Horizontal placement with the optional Chassis Stand Kit / Real-time info or GIFs from the optional 3.9" LCD Display (both sold separately)【Tool Free Tear Down】 Magnets and push clips on outter panels represent tool-free panel removal and installation.【Removeable Dust Filters】 To keep maintenance simple, the dust filters can be easily accessed and removed for cleaning.3 Year Warranty
Introducing the Thermaltake Tower 250 mITX Mini Tower, featuring the same octagon design the Tower series is known for while being shrunk down to accommodate mITX builds. Coming in at 19.9 in (506mm) Tall, 11.8in (300mm) Wide, and 11.5in (281mm) in depth the Tower 250 leaves a small footprint while still being able to support GPUs up to 360mm in length as well as Radiators up to 360mm in size. Preinstalled are 2x120mm CT fans located at the top of the chassis to provide exhaust.

2025-01-11 16:19:40

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