해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Water Cooled Generator Alternator Compatible With PORSCHE CAYENNE 4.8T 94860303300 94860303301 948603033AX 948603033X

상품번호 B0DNJ8168L
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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: PAJFJUS
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $605.28
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Stable power generation: Automotive generators can provide stable power output under various working conditions.Overload protection: The automobile power generation device has built-in overload protection device to Avoid equipment damage caused by power overload.Wide adaptability: On-board generators are suitable for a variety of vehicle types and engine types to meet the diverse needs of different users.Lightweight design: The automotive power supply device uses lightweight materials to reduce the weight of the generator and improve the vehicle fuel economy.Water Cooled Generator Alternator Compatible With PORSCHE CAYENNE 4.8T 94860303300 94860303301 948603033AX 948603033X
1.Car Model: Compatible With PORSCHE CAYENNE (2010/06 - /) Compatible With CAYENNE 4.8 Turbo M 48.52 4806 368 500 Closed Off-Road Vehicle 10/06 - / Compatible With CAYENNE 4.8 Turbo M 48.52 4806 397 540 Closed Off-Road Vehicle 10/06 - / Compatible With CAYENNE 4.8 S M 48.02 4806 294 400 Closed Off-Road Vehicle 10/06 - / Compatible With CAYENNE 4.8 GTS M 48.02 4806 309 420 Closed Off-Road Vehicle 12/06 - / Compatible With CAYENNE 4.8 Turbo S M 48.52 4806 405 550 Closed Off-Road Vehicle 12/10 - 2.Part NO. Compatible With Hitachi LR1190952 Compatible With KRAUF ALH0952NW Compatible With Motorherz ALH0952RB, ALH0952WA Porsche 94860303300, 94860303301, 948603033AX, 948603033X Compatible With Alternator Charge Current [A]:190 V:12 Number of Ribs:6 Model: CFA1485 Welcome to our Amazon shop, we specialise in providing car generators. We understand that a car alternator is a key component to ensure the smooth running of your car, so we are committed to building alternators with excellent performance and long-lasting durability. Our generators are widely adapted to cover most of the car models in the market, no matter you are looking for replacement parts or upgraded equipment, we can provide satisfactory choices. We strictly control the quality of our products to ensure that each generator can provide you with stable and powerful power output, so that your car is always in the best condition. We are always committed to providing you with good products and services to make your shopping experience more enjoyable and reassuring. Please browse our shop to buy the car generator that your heart desires, once again welcome your visit Have a nice shopping experience!

2024-11-28 17:01:17

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