해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LED 3D Puzzle Magic Station Book Nook Kit - Interactive 3D Wood Puzzle LED Magical Miniature with Infinite Extension Space - DIY Bookshelf Insert Decor Gifts

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상품가격 $45.99
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【A Ticket to the Magical World】Embark on a journey of wonder with the FUNPOLA Magic Station. Create a captivating scene filled with enchanting platforms and whimsical trains. Unlock delightful surprises and get your ticket to a realm of magic!【Magical Ambiance and Illusion of Depth】With built-in LED lights, this miniature cast a soft, magical glow. The mirrors inside amplifies this effect by giving an infinite extension magical train station. Perfect for bookshelves, enhancing any space with a touch of fantasy.【Relaxing and Fulfilling DIY Experience】Immerse yourself in a captivating 6-8 hour crafting with 231 pre-cut pieces. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crafter, the clear and detailed instructions make this project both fun and rewarding.【Realistic details recreate the magical scene】Crafted from high-quality plywood, this kit offers both durability and safety. Every element, from the enchanting mailbox to the train, platform, street lamp, and ticket window, is crafted with intricate details to create a vivid and realistic magical scene.【A Captivating Accent for Bookshelf Décor】The FUNPOLA Magic Station Bookend is not just a DIY project; it\'s a magical enhancement for any space. This stunning piece makes a perfect gift and a unique decorative showpiece. Dedicated customer support ensures a smooth and enjoyable building experience.

2025-01-08 14:30:23

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