해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Semi-Permanent Makeup Eyebrow Tattoo Kit, Professional Tattoo Gun Set with 15Pcs Cartridge Needles for Eyebrow/Lip/Eyeliner, Semi-Permanent Microblading Supply for Artists Beginners

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상품가격 $35.99
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?PACKAGE INCLUDES: Tattoo pen kit inclueds 1 * eyebrow tattoo pen, 15Pcs cartridges needles (1RL*5, 3RL*3, 5RL*2, 3F*3, 5F*2), 2 * eyebrow tattoo ink, etc; Practice Skin For Eyebrow, Marking Symmetrical Eyebrows, Ink ring cup and eyebrow cling film etc for Tattoo Artists and Beginners✨SEMI-PERMANENT EYEBROW MACHINE: Microblading kit for beginners is specially designed for eyebrow tattoos, with stable continuous operation, low noise, light weight, more comfortable use, fast coloring, and no heating after long-term operation; It needs to be connected to a power cord for use and can support long-term tattoo work with stable output♥️EYEBROW MAKEUP KIT: Professional tattoo machine kit prepared for artists and beginners, rich accessories that meet the needs of tattoo and practice, equipped with sufficient eyebrow shaping tools to create your charming brow shape; Multiple models of needles can used to design all brow shapes, all eyebrow tattoo needles are individually packaged sterile, safe, skin friendly; Multi-color eyebrow pigment set specially formulated for eyebrow tattooing meets your personalized needs?IDEAL GIFTS: Ybeauty eyebrow professional tattoo gun kit is a great gift for eyebrow tattoo artists and beginners; Birthday gifts for women friends, Christmas gifts for mom and daughter, Valentines Day gifts for wife girlfriend✅BEGINNER FRIENDLY: If you encounter any problems while using tattoo kit for beginners complete set, please feel free to contact us. We will provide 24-hour guidance to help you practice eyebrow tattooing. If there are any quality issues with the product, please contact the seller. You do not need to return it, we will send you a new package. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RETURN ANYTHING!
Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Makeup Microblading Eyebrow Tattoo Machine Kit The Ultimate Solution for Makeup Tattoo Artists From Ybeauty Metal Frame: Made of Aluminium alloy, feature stable with less vibration and not easy to leave fingerprints or sweat stain, easier to grip. Professional Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Makeup Machine for eyeliner tattoo, ombre powder brows, eyebrows tattoo, Lip tattoo, henna tattoo, Microshading and Hairline. Worry-Free Warranty At Ybeauty, we believe in our products. That\'s why we back them all with an 60days warranty and provide friendly, easy-to-reach support.

2025-02-05 12:54:16

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