해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, Up to 50 Mins Runtime Rechargeable Stick Vacuum, 25000pa 180W Lightweight Vacuum with HEPA Filter, 6In1 Vacuum Cleaners for Home Hardwood Floor, Car and Pet Hair

상품번호 B0DNQMX72S
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Vacuums & Floor Care
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상품가격 $199.99
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Up to 50 Mins Runtime - In order to avoid the embarrassing situation of having to interrupt the cleaning process because of insufficient power.The YTE PRO cordless vacuum cleaner has a built-in 6*2500mAh ultra-durable battery, achieved up to 50 minutes of runtime (in minimum suction mode). Only need one full charge to give your home a thorough cleaning!Powerful 25000pa Motor-This vacuum cleaner is powered by a professional 180W brushless motor and offers two suction modes to choose from.With a powerful suction power of 25KPA in MAX mode, it easily captures and vacuums away dust, crumbs, pet hair, shredded paper and more.6-layer High-efficiency Filtration System - This stick vacuum is equipped with a 6-layer filtration system that effectively captures 99.9% of tiny dust particles and finally releases purified air, and the whole process effectively prevents secondary dust pollution of the air. The HEPA filter and dust collection cup are removable and washable, which can also effectively extend the life of YTE PRO vacuum cleaner.6In1 Multifunctional Vacuum Cleaners for Home -LED lighted floor brush, adjustable telescopic alloy tube and an additional complimentary 2-in-1 long crevice tool brush head. These components can be combined into six configurations to conveniently clean different surfaces such as low-pile carpeting, floors, sofas, stairs, cars and more.More Humanized Design- It takes only three seconds to assemble the cordless vacuum cleaner. The accessories additionally include a wall-mounted storage bracket and replaceable HEPA filter, solving your storage problems and filter replacement problems. Anti-slip handle, V-shaped anti-tangle floor brush head, green led night vision light and more product details bring you more surprises.

2025-01-09 02:53:06

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