해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ball Bearing Bow, Compound Bow Set That Shoots Steel Balls, Right Handed Hunting Bows for Adults, Composite Pulley Bow with Continuous Shooting

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상품가격 $129.99
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Bow steel ball shooter: This steel ball bow consisting of steel body and aircraft aluminum drawbar with leather strap bowstring can achieve the function of rapid launching steel ball, made of sturdy material, overall strong and durable.Compound bows Body: The bowstring part consists of thickened four-strand tubular leather band and steel bowstring, the ball bearing bow body is equipped with four leather band pulleys to minimize the wear and tear of the rubber band, and four small pulleys to assist the sliding long rod for smoother draw.Sliding Long rod: The long rod is equipped with a magazine that can hold multiple 8mm steel balls when in use, making it easy to fire continuously. The front of the steel ball compound bow can be fitted with an aiming point for more accurate shooting.Quick release: The end of the long rod of the ball bearing compound bow is combined with a grip and a spreader, hold the survival bow with your left hand, pull the bowstring back with your right hand and press the trigger to release the steel balls quickly.Application Scenario: The hunting compound bow set containing a storage bag, 5 sheets of target paper, two sets of bow strings, a pair of gloves, 200pcs 8mm steel balls is fully equipped with accessories, which can be used for outdoor target practice, hunting, recreation and so on.
Specification Dimensions: a. Bow body: 11.2*19.3inch(28.5*49cm) b. Shaft length: 28inch (71cm) Weight: 4.8lb (2.18kg) Storage bag size: 26.4*19.3inch (67*49cm) Target paper size: 15.7*15.7inch (40*40cm) What\'s included in the package? The repeating steel ball compound bow package A includes a bow body + long pole, a large storage bag, 5 pieces of target paper, 200 steel balls (8mm), a pair of gloves, two sets of rubber bands bowstring (one set has been installed). Package B includes a bow body + long pole, 5 pieces of target paper, 200 steel balls (8mm), a pair of gloves, two sets of rubber bands bowstring (Manual installation required) Tips: 1.Please do not aim at people as well as protected animals at any time. 2.Rubber bands are consumables, please check the condition of the rubber bands before use.

2025-01-11 09:05:59

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