해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mini PC, Desktop Computer i7-4700HQ 2.4-3.4GHz, Win-10 Pro, 16G DDR3, 512G SSD, HDMI, VGA Port, USB3.0, WiFi6, BT5.2, Gigabit Ethernet for Business/Education/Office/HTPC

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상품가격 $258.00
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[High Performance] Mini PC equipped with Core i7-4700HQ processor and Intel HD Graphics, 4 cores 8 threads, 6M smart Cache, base frequency: 2.4GHz, Max Turbo Frequency: 3.4GHz. and MAX 47W TDP. Pre-installed with Windows 10 Pro (64bit) OS, Also supports Linux OS. This Mini PC is ideal for diverse usage scenarios such as entertainment, office, online education, industry, etc.[Can Expand Capacity] Mini computer loaded with 2 x so-dimm DDR3L RAM slot. upgradeable to max 16GB(2 x 8G). And 1 x Msata SSD slot. Support add 2TB 2.5-inch SSD/HDD(Extra purchase required).[HD Dual Display & Stable Operation] Mini PC equipped with HD Graphics, You can connect two display at the same time via the HDMI+VGA port, HDMI port Max support 1920*1080. In high-definition audio and video, and entertainment, showing high-definition new picture quality. Therefore, you can use it in the office, in the training center, in the factory, in the internet bar, or wherever a computer can be used. Mini PC supports Auto Power On, Wake On Lan(BIOS setting).[Interface Specifications] Mini PC is equipped with 2 x USB 3.0, 6 x USB 2.0, 1 x VGA, 1 x HDMI ports, 1 x SPK&MIC(3.5mm), 1 x RJ-45 Giga LAN port, 1 x DC IN. Built-in WiFi6, it boosts peak interface bandwidth, efficiency, and reliability, and offers lower latency. Bluetooth 5.2 technology to keep all your Bluetooth ancillary seamlessly connected. And Built-in silent cooling fans ensure long-term stable operation of the mini-computer.[Compact Size] The micro computer size just 7.75 x 7.75 x 1.88in, 4.4lb, easy to carry anytime, anywhere. Mount the mini pc on the back of the monitor via the VESA interface, making it a do-it-all computer, and make the desktop more tidy. We offers lifetime technical support and 2 year/24 months warrant.

2025-01-07 01:44:24

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