해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Gibson 61's Burstbuker Rhythm & Lead Humbucker Guitar Pickup Set Gold & 4-Conductor

상품번호 B0DRJ27R42
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상품구분 Musical Instruments / Instrument Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 29.86
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(Will post from Australia by registered mail around 2-3 weeks delivery) For Sale is One set of 2 : GOLD Gibson 61\'s Burstbuker Rhythm & Lead Humbucker Guitar Pickup set with 4 Conductors The Gibson Accessories ’60s Burstbucker hails from a time when the double-coil pickup was still fresh on the scene, making waves on the world’s SGs, Les Pauls, ES-335s, and more. An old-school unpotted design enhances this humbucker’s open, airy tone, allowing it to cover smooth cleans and raunchy overdriven tones in equal measure. Next, Alnico V magnets kick up the output and tighten up your tone — perfect for clear leads that cut through the rest of the band. From old-school P-90s to modern ceramic humbuckers, be sure to check out our entire range of tone-enhancing Gibson Accessories pickups! Gibson Accessories ’60s Burstbucker Humbucking Pickup Features: Authentic re-creation of a ’60s-style Gibson humbucker Unpotted design that provides a more open response with bright, clear trebles Alnico V magnets for enhanced output and tonal clarity Tech Specs Type: Humbucker Position: Bridge, Neck Active/Passive: Passive Magnet Material: Alnico V Number of Conductors: 4 Conductors DC Resistance: 8K Connectivity: Soldered Number of Strings: 6 Covering: Covered Color: GOLD

2025-01-10 11:26:34

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