해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dell Optiplex 7010 Business Tower Desktop, Intel Core i5-13500 (14-Core, Up to 4.80 GHz), 64GB RAM, 1TB PCIe SSD + 1TB HDD, DVD-RW, Display Port, HDMI, RJ-45, Wired KB & Mouse, Windows 11 Pro

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상품가격 $759.99
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【Powerful Performance 】Equipped with an Intel Core i5-13500 (Beats i7-12700, 14-core processor, clocked up to 4.80 GHz,) delivering fast and responsive performance for multitasking, office productivity, and everyday computing.【Ample Storage & Memory】Users can customize their setup with up to 64GB DDR4 RAM, ensuring seamless performance across multiple applications. Storage options include up to 2TB PCIe M.2 Solid State Drive for ultra-fast access speeds, with up to 2TB 2.5 inch HDD, offering ample space for extensive file archives and large applications.【Comprehensive Connectivity】Features a wide range of ports including USB 3.2, RJ-45 Ethernet, DisplayPort, and HDMI, providing versatile options for connecting peripherals, monitors, and networking. Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth ensure fast wireless connectivity.【Business-Ready Design】Perfect for professional environments with a sleek, compact tower design that fits easily into any office setup. Includes a wired keyboard for a reliable, no-lag typing experience.【Latest Software & Security】Pre-installed with Windows 11 Pro, offering a modern, secure, and productive operating system with enhanced features for business use, including advanced security, performance improvements, and better multitasking capabilities.
Processor: i5-13500 2.50GHz Processor (13th Gen, upto 4.8 GHz, 24MB Cache, 14-Cores, 20-Threads, 6 Performance-cores) Storage: Up To 2TB PCIe SSD (Solid State Drive) with 2TB 2.5 inch HDD Memory: Up To 64GB RAM DIMM Graphics: Integrated Graphics Integrated Graphics Operating System: Windows 11 Pro-64 Connectivity:, Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) Camera: No Webcam Input/Output:, Black, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse Display: No Display Ports/Slots:, 4 USB 2.0, 4 USB 3.0, 1 HDMI, 1 Display Port (DP), DVD±R/RW, Headphone/Microphone Combo Jack Battery: 180W Power Supply Color: Black Form/Style: Desktop Product Dimensions (WxLxH): 6.1 IN x 11.7 IN x 12.8 IN Weight: 12lb

2025-01-09 10:43:30

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