해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Anti Snoring Devices, Anti Snoring Device with Smart Throat Pulse, Electric Sleep Apnea Devices for Best Sleep,Comfortable Snoring Solution for Men and Women, Safe & Effective& Easy

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상품가격 $44.89
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【Effective Stop Snoring Appliance】Stop Snoring Aid adopts a unique dual turbo fan design, which opens up the nasal passages through oxygenation and continuous airway circulation, helping to maximize airflow through the altered nasal passages, helping to alleviate snoring, thus solving the snoring problem.【Rechargeable and Portable】Stop Snoring Device adopts USB charging device, you can charge the stop snoring device through mobile power devices such as computers, and it can be used for up to 8 hours after fully charged, compact and lightweight, does not take up any space, ideal for home or travel.【High Quality Material of Stop Snoring Device】The nose plug part of the stop snoring device is made of high quality silicone. The soft and comfortable silicone nose plug fits snugly in your nostrils without causing pain or damage to your nose. Safe and comfortable, durable, soft and flexible, can be worn for a long time. Transparent silicone can be washed with water after use and can be reused.【Safe & Comfortable】 When you use it, insert the stop snoring device into your nostrils and turn on the switch, you only need to wear it for a few days to get used to it, and after using it for a period of time continuously, you can obviously feel that your snoring will be reduced or eliminated, so that you can sleep peacefully all night long.

2025-01-11 20:12:57

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