해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Full HD 1080P Video Webcam and Wide Angle Camera with Built-in Microphone and Rotatable Tripod,for Laptop Computer or Desktop PC,Great for Live Streaming.Calls.Video Conferencing(Black)-1

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상품구분 Electronics / Computers & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Gohero
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $49.99
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Full HD Video and Wide Angle Lens - The Gohero High Definition 1080p Webcam features a wide angle lens and delivers crisp images and fluid video at 30 frames per second. The camera is equipped with automatic light correction technology and can automatically adjust the image brightness and restore color according to the ambient light, helping you achieve the best optical effect.Built-In Microphone - Free up your workspace by using our webcam\'s built-in microphone. The noise-canceling microphone reduces background noise to enhance the sound quality of your video. Even in noisy surroundings, viewers can hear your voice loud and clearRotatable Tripod and Privacy Cover - Easily set up your webcam with the flexible, detachable tripod or use the built-in clip to attach the webcam directly to your computer. It is light and portable, so you can take it anywhere! The privacy cover flips closed to cover the lens when it is not in use, protecting your privacy and shielding the lens from dust and scratches.Easy Plug and Play - Our easy to operate HD webcam works with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 and doesn\'t require you to download additional drivers. Just plug the webcam into the USB port of your computer and you can use it right away! The webcam is compatible with all devices that have a USB port, and it comes equipped with a 4.7ft USB power cableWide Compatibility and Versatility - The Gohero HD Webcam can be used with desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, Android phones, and other UVC protocol devices. It is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows XP/7/8/10, Mac OS, Vista, Linux 2.6 or later.Wide range of USES - It provides users with crystal clear, professional video while gaming, video calling, online teaching, live streaming, and recording.Let you have a pleasant and comfortable experienceSupport Work From Anywhere - Whether employees are in the office, at home, or somewhere else,you can use it well. This Gohero camera is very portable, easy to use and you can take it anywhere.Tay Risk Free Today! - All of our webcam are manufactured with a great blend of innovation, design, and build quality. We are proud to offer you 30-DAYS MONEY BACK and a LIFETIME WARRANTY.After-Sale Service - Our customer service provides quick responses, and your problem will be resolved within 24 hours. Customer satisfaction is always our top priority and we will do everything we can to ensure you are happy with your purchase!

2025-01-09 10:43:25

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