해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AWQM 7 Drawer Dresser, Dresser for Bedroom, Modern Drawer Chest with Metal Handle, Storage Chest of Drawers for Living Room, Hallway, Entryway, 15.7" D x 47.2" W x 31.3" H (1PCS)

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상품가격 $89.99
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【7 Drawer Dresser】This drawer cabinet has a spacious countertop and 7 removable drawers, providing sufficient storage space for your photo frame, books, lamps, cosmetics, accessories and other personal items. By storing all your items in the cabinet, you can keep your items clean and tidy, which is the perfect solution for space storage.【High-Quality Material】Our chests of drawers use high-quality melamine finish which make the cabinet waterproof, scratch resistant and easy to clean. In addition, our drawers are P2 formaldehyde certified, non-toxic and safe, to ensure the health of you and your family.【Stable and Durable】Our 7 drawers dresser is made of particle board and equipped with 4 metal anti-scratch legs, you don\'t have to worry about it will scratching your floor. Each drawer has smooth metal slides which makes the drawer of chest easy to push and pull, and the drawer cabinet have a firm and stable structure, can be used for a long time. After testing, our drawers each bear 15 lbs, and the countertop bear 125 lbs.【Wide Application】The lines to a simple monochrome plank adds a certain interest and premium aesthetic to the modern style of drawers chest , very suitable for bedroom, living room, hallway and other occasions. It can not only be used as a dresser, but also as a nightstand, storage organizer, storage cabinet, office filing cabinet, side end table, etc.【Dimension & Easy Assembly】Overall size: 47.2"W x 31.3"H x 15.7"D. All accessories and instructions are included in the package. It just takes your little time to put together. Please feel free to contact with our customer service if you have any problem about installation or other issues so we can help you immediately.

2025-02-05 00:55:43

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